Fitness Ncoer Bullet Comments
- No APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) IAW (in accordance with) Army Directive 2022-05.
- Height/Weight not being administered due to COVID-19 mitigation requirements.
- Achieved an APFT score of 294; earned the Army Physical Fitness Badge for the sixth consecutive time.
- An exceptional example of a Junior NCO and carried himself with complete professionalism, representing the NCO Corps with excellence.
- Outstanding example of physical fitness; motivated soldiers at all levels of the chain of command to excel and improve.
- Exuded impeccable military bearing and professionalism; demonstrated poise during interactions at all levels of a Two-Star General Command.
- Projected confidence, enthusiasm, and mental toughness when assisting soldiers; reinforced resiliency training to subordinates.
- Always maintained an outstanding appearance and represented her unit with impeccable military bearing and courtesy.
- Trained and motivated several soldiers to pass their APFT after repeated failures.
- Stayed fit through physical therapy and maintained mental toughness despite a Temporary Profile for a shoulder injury and a high operational tempo.
- Maintained fitness by actively participating in city league sports events.
- Scored 300 points and maintained the physical fitness badge.
- Does not let profile hinder his ability to pass the APFT.
- No APFT or HT/WT (Height/Weight) was recorded due to the soldier’s failure to follow Army Regulations.
- Successfully passed her first PT test after a pregnancy profile, allowing her to attend WLC (Warrior Leader Course) in June.
- Always implemented a tough physical fitness program to push subordinates to better themselves.
- Always maintained an outstanding appearance, military bearing, and courtesy to the highest standards.
- Always exudes overwhelming confidence and mental strength.
- Failed to properly train his/her soldiers in physical training, resulting in their failure of the APFT.
- Scored 290 or above on the last Physical Fitness Test.
- Raised the section/platoon PT score by 50%.
- Selected as Post Athlete of the Year.
- Distinguished Honor Graduate of Master Fitness Trainer Course.
- Finished first in the class 10K division run.
- Coach and starting player for the 1st place basketball team.
- Presented a professional, soldierly appearance at all times.
- Motivated, enthusiastic NCO who took the lead in organized physical fitness training of all soldiers.
- Scored 300 on the last APFT.
- Unquestionable physical stamina.
- Functions well under stress.
- Exceeded APFT and unit physical standards with ease.
- Displays a strong sense of pride in the uniform.
- Presents a healthy, strong, and confident demeanor.
- Incorporated a plan which ultimately raised the unit APFT score by 16%.
- Impeccable appearance; a role model standard.
- Sets the standard by which excellence is measured.
- Rehabilitated injured knee and won the Physical Fitness Badge.
- Graduated Ranger, Airborne, Air Assault, and Combat Leaders courses at 39 years of age.
- Maintained professional bearing in relations with over 150 new second lieutenants.
- His platoon averaged 290 points on the APFT due to his training.
- Awarded Div Coin from CG (Commanding General), 82nd Airborne Division, for uniform appearance during the annual General inspection.
- Led company marathon relay to a first and second-place finish.
- Physically fit, scored 300 on the most recent APFT.
- Excellent physical condition; led advanced PT during physical training.
- Platoon achieved a 100% first-time pass rate on APFT for two consecutive testing cycles.
- Motivated platoon to improve PT average by 30 points.
- Excellent mental and physical abilities; displayed strong stamina.
- Placed first in weight division in the 2002 Fort Sill Bodybuilding Contest
Needs Improvement
- Failed to meet the height and weight standards outlined in AR 600-9, exceeding the body composition standards by X.X%
- Displayed a consistent lack of motivation, resulting in the inability to meet the minimum requirements of the APFT
- Demonstrated a pattern of falling short of the APFT standards, lacking the mental and physical resilience necessary to overcome these challenges
- Showed a disregard for the health and well-being of fellow troops, leading to the entire squad failing to meet the height and weight standard
- Failed to complete the 2-mile run during the APFT, quitting after only 1 mile
- Struggled to stay awake during shifts due to a demanding schedule that involved changing from nights to days
- Displayed a substandard appearance and lacked the required military bearing for an NCO of his maturity level
- Did not meet the body fat standards during the rating period, maintaining a weight loss of 2-3 pounds per month while on the weight control program but failing to meet the overall requirements
- Currently on profile and unable to participate in the Army Physical Fitness Test or engage in any physical training events
- Presented an unprofessional appearance and lacked the expected military bearing
- Undermined the principles and values of a soldier and failed to fulfill the responsibilities of a leader
- Attempted to abuse his position and authority by cheating on a previous APFT
- Demonstrated a complete lack of integrity and military bearing when attempting to cheat on the previous APFT
- Personal issues significantly impacted the individual’s military bearing
- Failed to meet the body fat standards outlined in AR 600-9, measuring at 27% body fat and maintaining a weight loss of 2-3 pounds per month while on the weight control program
- SFC Hero’s participation in unit physical training declined during the rating period
- Made satisfactory progress in run time but still fell short of the minimum standards in other areas
- Presents a sharp military appearance but needs to understand the importance of subtlety in professional conduct
- Counseled twice for displaying disrespect towards an NCO, highlighting the need to focus on relationship skills
- Initially refused suggestions to attend counseling, resulting in further deterioration and rendering the individual unfit for duty
- Failed to meet the APFT standards for the two-mile run and sit-ups, achieving a total score of 124
- Failed to meet the height and weight requirements and demonstrated no progress in improving physical fitness.
DA PAM 623-3 Paragraph 3-7
NCOER part IV: section c-APFT
Required Action: In the space following the term “APFT,” the evaluator shall input “PASS” or “FAIL” along with the date (YYYYMMDD) of the most recent record APFT conducted by the unit. The APFT should have been administered within the 12-month period before the “THRU” date of the report. However, it is not mandatory for the APFT date to fall within the timeframe covered by the evaluation report. If the NCO was unable to participate in the most recent record APFT (for instance, due to a medical profile or pregnancy), the evaluator should duly document their status at that time. The APFT for Soldiers without profiles comprises push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2-mile run.
- For Soldiers with permanent profiles who have received clearance to undertake an alternate APFT, the evaluator should indicate “PASS” or “FAIL” for the alternate APFT as prescribed by healthcare personnel, along with the date of the APFT. The alternate APFT may include an authorized aerobic event such as walking, cycling, or swimming. No comments regarding the rated Soldier’s profile are necessary.
- For Soldiers with permanent profiles that prevent them from taking the APFT, the entry should be left blank, and the evaluator should provide an explanation for its omission.
- Soldiers with temporary profiles at the time of the unit’s record APFT should enter “PROFILE” along with the date (YYYYMMDD) when the profile was issued. The profile date must be within 12 months prior to the “THRU” date of the evaluation report.
- Examples of valid entries include “PASS 20100414,” “FAIL 20100507,” or “PROFILE 20100302.” APFT numerical scores should not be recorded.
- In block c, the evaluator should address a “FAIL” entry for APFT. Bullet comments for “FAIL” entries may include the reason(s) for failure and/or note any progress made towards meeting physical fitness standards outlined in AR 350-1.
- A comment regarding “PROFILE” entries should only be made if the rated NCO’s ability to perform their assigned duties is affected.
- The evaluator should explain the absence of an APFT entry in block c. If the APFT has not been conducted within 12 months of the “THRU” date of the report, the APFT data entry should be left blank, and the evaluator should provide an explanation in block c. According to AR 40-501, an APFT is not mandatory for pregnant NCOs.
- For pregnant NCOs who have not undergone the APFT in the past 12 months due to pregnancy, temporary profiles, and/or convalescent leave, the evaluator should enter the following statement: “Exempt from APFT requirement in accordance with AR 40-501.” Note: When using the Wizard application associated with the electronic form within the “My Forms” Portal on AKO, the APFT and height and weight statement will be combined.
- As per AR 350-1, NCOs who are 55 years of age and older have the option to take either the three-event APFT or an alternate APFT, but they will not be considered as being on profile unless there is a current profile in place.
- However, they must maintain a personal physical fitness program approved by a physician and remain in compliance with the height and weight standards outlined in AR 600-9. If no APFT is taken, leave the APFT entry blank and include a comment stating, “NCO exempt from APFT requirement in accordance with AR 350-1.”
- Deployed units that are unable to administer the APFT due to mission constraints or conditions should indicate on the NCOERs with the following statement: “NCO unable to take the APFT during this period due to deployment for combat operations/contingency operations.” Upon returning from deployment, NCOs will be required to undergo a record APFT no earlier than 3 months for active Army and 6 months for USAR and ARNG NCOs, as per AR 350-1. Note: NCOs are still expected to comply with the height and weight requirements outlined in AR 600-9.
- Specific to the rater, bullet comments in block c should include the entry “Received APFT badge” to justify “excellence.” The APFT badge is awarded to those who achieve scores of 270 points and above, with a minimum of 90 points in each of the three events.
- NCOs who meet the minimum Army standards for the APFT but fail to meet unit standards should not receive a rating of “needs improvement” solely based on the failure to meet unit standards for physical fitness and military bearing.
Reference: AR 350-1, AR 40-501, and AR 600-9
NCOER Part IVc: Height/Weight
Action required: In the section labeled “Height/Weight,” the evaluator should enter the measured height and weight of the rated NCO as of the unit’s last recorded weigh-in. If there was no unit weigh-in during the period covered by the report, the evaluator should input the NCO’s height and weight as of the “THRU” date of the NCOER. The evaluator should mark either “YES” or “NO” next to the weight entry to indicate compliance or noncompliance with the standards outlined in AR 600-9.
Sample entries could be: “72/180 YES” or “68/205 NO.”
- For NCOs who are 60 years of age and older and must adhere to the height and weight standards, the “Height/Weight” section should be completed. Soldiers aged 60 or older are exempt from the requirement to take the APFT.
- The evaluator should mark “YES” for NCOs who meet the table screening weight or are in compliance with the body fat standards of AR 600-9, as determined by tape measurement and the use of DA Form 5501.
- In case of a “NO” entry, indicating noncompliance with the standards of AR 600-9, the evaluator should provide comments in Part IV, Block c, explaining the reason for noncompliance. While medical conditions may be cited, it is still necessary to include the “NO” entry, as medical waivers to weight control standards are not permitted for evaluation report purposes. The evaluator should also indicate the progress or lack thereof in a weight control program.
- For pregnant NCOs, the entire entry should be left blank, and the evaluator should enter the following statement: “Exempt from weight control standards of AR 600-9.” Note: When using the Wizard application associated with the electronic form within the “My Forms” Portal on AKO, the APFT and height and weight statement will be combined.
- Rating officials should not use the word “pregnant” or refer to an NCO’s pregnancy in any manner when completing the NCOER.
- Unless the Soldier has an approved request for an Army, DCS G-1 waiver of compliance with AR 600-9, the height and weight standards of AR 600-9 apply at all times, even when the officer is deployed for combat or contingency operations. If the Soldier has an approved Army G-1 waiver, the evaluator should enter “Rated NCO has an Army G-1 waiver of compliance with AR 600-9.” In such cases, a copy of the Army G-1 approval memo should be submitted as an enclosure to the evaluation report. This entry should not be left blank.
Reference: AR 600-9